The mandate of the CDEL Network Manitoba is to understand what the Child Development and Early Learning (CDEL) system in Manitoba needs to ensure that children and families have high-quality child care for all children who need care. While early learning and child care must be universal in approach, additional supports and processes are needed to address and reduce barriers to access. Part of providing quality child care includes ensuring equitable access to all children and families, and supporting the Early Childhood Educator workforce. 

The work for a national child care program in Canada has spanned decades, with many false starts and setbacks, resulting in generations of families suffering due to a lack of child care and parenting support. Women work outside the home and mothers can not achieve income and employment equity without child care.  Families have been struggling to find and keep quality, affordable and accessible child care in Manitoba, even before the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, access to child care became a crisis. Since the pandemic, even though there has been more funding access to reliable and quality child care, not all families can access that child care. The majority of families continue to sit on waiting lists, and there are not enough trained Early Childhood Educators to support the amount of child care spaces that are being funded by the federal government.  

The Reweaving Support Project asserts that it is not enough to reduce the costs for families who currently have licensed child care, but licensed child care must be available for all families who require it, as part of the fabric of society and our social services. Reweaving Support also aims for a comprehensive early learning and child care system that can support the school readiness and parenting support needs of all parents - no matter their income and family type, geographic location, citizenship, ethnicity or cultural heritage. Raising children and parenting are a big part of every culture. Differences in child rearing or parenting philosophy and approach must be considered and understood. Together with community and government, the Reweaving Support Project seeks to follow the Convention on the Rights of the Child and form an understanding of trauma-informed parenting and supports for children and families in Manitoba.

Key Groups
Advocacy, child care boards and staff, government bodies, academic groups, community solutions (childminding, worker training projects, early years groups)
System Mapping
Who are the partners in providing early learning and child care services? How do they relate and communicate with each other? 
Reweaving Support Baseline Change Matrix
This tool shows the current spending and fiscal framework, legal and policy framework, staffing and programming, public education and community engagement and governance framework for child care and early learning. 
Historical overview and evolution of our early learning and child care education systems
Situation Assessment
Drivers of gender based violence – sense making and situation analysis
Change Matrix for a new child care and early learning system


The main work of the project is engaging as many Manitobans as possible with experience in early learning and child care, and collaborating to re-imagine our early learning and child care systems, and to build supports for all parents and families.




Key Reports and Strategies local, other jurisdictions

Roadmap to a Quality Early Learning and Child Care System in Manitoba

Author: Jane Beach for Manitoba Child Care Association and the Roadmap Partners

Publisher : Government of Canada

Date: May 2022

The ‘Roadmap to a quality early learning and child care system in Manitoba’ is an initiative of the Manitoba Child Care Association, developed in collaboration with 2 Child Care Now, the Canadian Child Care Federation, the Child Care Coalition of Manitoba and the Muttart Foundation. In keeping with the Canada-wide agreement, the roadmap focuses on licensed child care for children under age seven, while also recognizing the importance of licensed child care for older school age children and early childhood programs delivered through the school system. The roadmap reflects the findings from virtual engagement with a range of early learning and child care and related stakeholders in March 2022, as well as the considerable body of research and policy development about system building that has been conducted in Canada and internationally.

Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement

screenshot of a government website

Author: Federal Minister responsible for ELCC

Publisher: Government of Canada

Date: 2021 to 2026

Findings: Building on the 2020 Fall Economic Statement (FES), Budget 2021 commits almost $30 billion over 5 years

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Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework

Author: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada

Publisher: Government of Canada

Date: 2021

Findings: The Framework sets out a shared vision, principles and a path forward for Indigenous early learning and child care—a Canada where all Indigenous children have the opportunity to experience high-quality, culturally rooted early learning and child care programming.


Early Childhood Education and Care in Canada 2021

Author: Beach, J., Friendly, M., Nguyen, N.T., Borges Nogueira, P., Taylor, M., Mohamed, S., Rothman, l. & Forer, B.

Publisher: Government of Canada, The Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU)

Date: 2021

Findings: The CRRU report series has reliably served as Canada’s sole source of consistently collected and presented cross-Canada, longitudinal data and information about regulated child care, kindergarten and parental leave.


Not done yet $10-a-day child care 


Author: David Macdonald, Martha Friendly

Publisher: CCPA

Date: 2023

Findings: Canada has made big progress on child care costs—but has a lot of work to do on availability of spaces.


Bill 47: The Early Learning and Child Care Act

Author: Manitoba Federation of Labour and Fairness for Everyone

Date: April 15, 2021

Findings: Raising objections to MB bill 47 about childcare


Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Commission Final Report

Author: Kathleen Flanagan and Jane Beach

Date: January 2016

Findings: Report of the MB Early learning and child care commission


Media Release: Child Care Advocates Calling for a Canada-Manitoba Child Care Agreement

Author: Child Care Coalition of Manitoba, Child Care is Essential, Manitoba Child Care Association, Child Care Now

Date: July 27, 2021

Findings: Media release asking the MB government to work with the Canadian government on child care


The Early Learning and Child Care Act

Author: Statutes of Manitoba 2021

Date: May 20, 2021

Findings: Bill 47 wording


Province Introduces Legislation to Ensure Early Learning and Child Care Meet the Diverse Needs of Families

Author: Manitoba Government

Date: March 11, 2021

Findings: News release Child Care Fees to be Frozen for Three Years as Manitoba Continues to Recover from Economic Impact of COVID-19: Squires

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Bill 47 ‐ The Early Learning & Child Care Act

Author: Manitoba Child Care Association

Date: March 16, 2021

Findings: Explaining Bill 47

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Final CCPA Alternative Provincial Budget: Childcare

Author: Susan Prentice

Date: January 23, 2020

Findings: Alternative budget
