The Reweaving Support project prioritizes a social safety net that prevents gender-based sexual violence by creating a system that prevents gender-based sexual violence and adequately supports survivors needs in a safe, accessible, culturally appropriate way (health care, mental health, safety, etc.).The current system does not protect Manitobans’ rights to live without the fear of being a victim of gender-based violence or support Manitobans’ adequately when they do experience gender-based sexual violence. Gender-based violence was called the “shadow pandemic” as during the COVID lockdowns the incidence of reported and unreported gender-based violence increased dramatically as people living in unhealthy and abusive relationships had few options to leave the house, or escape and get the support needed to protect themselves, and less financial means to leave. The lasting impacts of the pandemic are still being felt in families and communities with social services stretched to the breaking point to respond to the increased demand for support and services. Shelters, counselling supports, health care, and other services can not keep up with the increased demand.
Any gender-based analysis of the social safety net will include an understanding that gender-based abuse and sexual violence are a key contributing factor to the need for income supports, housing options and services, child care, and child and family services. Crisis intervention, mental health supports, and ongoing health services are all part of a social safety net that is needed to respond to gender-based abuse and sexual violence. There is also a need for prevention and postvention strategies and services in a variety of other sectors like education, prenatal care, health and corrections. When relationships and families break down due to abuse and sexual violence there must be a well thought out and integrated system to intervene in crisis, and transition to safety and security for everyone in the community.
Preventing children who come from families experiencing gender-based violence from becoming future perpetrators, victims, or by-standers of gender-based violence and sexual violence is one key to stopping the cycle of abuse and stopping this cycle is the goal of this project and must be a goal of a proactive social safety net.
Key Groups |
System Mapping |
Key contributors and roles. |
Reweaving Support Baseline Change Matrix |
Historical overview and evolution of our child care and early childhood education systems |
Situation Assessment |
Drivers of gender based violence – sense making and situation analysis |
Change Matrix for a new gender based violence and abuse prevention and intervention system
The main work of the project is engaging as many Manitobans as possible with experience with gender based violence and abuse as possible in re-imagining our social safety net systems. We aim to support all individuals, all parents, children and families through a social safety net that is informed by the trauma of abuse and violence. |
Key Reports and Strategies.
Reclaiming Power and Place - The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
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Author: Buller, Marion, commissioner; Audette, Michèle, commissioner; Eyolfson, Brian, commissioner; Robinson, Qajaq, commissioner; Canada, Privy Council OfficeDate: 2019Download |