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The Reweaving Support project realizes that people with lived some experience of relying on our social safety net have a lot of stories and insights to share. This online portal is one way to gather these stories of how the social safety net worked to provide support or how it did not work well and people experienced gaps, and barriers or fell through the cracks in the system.
These stories will be made anonymous once submitted, they will not be published with identifying information, but instead the lead team will review these stories looking for ideas to improve the system in areas of funding, staffing, policy program design, etc.
A lack of coordination between the different areas of the social safety net is one of the main reasons for the design and approach of the Reweaving Support Project. Our objective through the project is not only to improve each of the five areas but to improve the way that they are coordinated and linked together to function well as a system of systems.
The Reweaving Support team will not be responding to people who share their stories. The intention and purpose is not to offer advocacy or support to people contacting us. If you are in need of services please contact 211 or emergency services through 911, Health Links or Suicide prevention at 988. Manitoba Harvest offers emergency food, there are homeless shelters, and other drop-in programs in the city.